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If i am in space then, if I leave the gravitational field of a planet (without entering another), why there is gravity? in theory I should keep floating in the direction I'm going, not fall into the void...

Partypopper aside, i really liked your game, and how each planet had a different effect from the others!!! Keep me playing for 10 minutes (then the game ended, lol)

However, in my opinion, a more relaxing music would have been better... The game gives me a relaxing feeling, not a wild one (like you have now)... But i have to point out, that if you put them in a context of history, the wild music makes much more sense...

Thank you for your honest review. Initially the game was going to have a gravity like that of outer space but it seemed funny that gravity is part of the bugs to make a faster game. I had also thought about making a more relaxed experience but I thought maybe it would be a bit slow and more boring.
Thanks again =)