Bugs i found:
1: in the strength training mini game, if you dont touch the rep bars' botton for a few seconds (10 or something), the rep bar goes into the negitive so you have to spam click before it's visible.
2: when myth is petting the bunny her mouth goes missing.
3: i can see myths' left leg clip through the floor on the wolf animation
4: if you click on the map button 2 times (first to go onto the map, second when you're on the map) the game is locked.
5: changing the games window size makes it hard to navigate the house decoration menu.
6: in the health mini game the eye appeared in a spot where i couldnt hit it, it's caused by shrinking the size of the window too much, also if the cannon is pointed too high it wont shoot.
I would like to have a delete save button in the options to make it easier to restart.
I would like to have an auto select when myth is on an adventure, so i dont need to always be there.
I would like to have something to do duing the adventures, something like the golden cookie events in cookie clicker to reward players for paying attention during adventures (gold, damage enemy) or smt to figit with.
Idk what myths mouth looks like when she walks, it's this pink thing like she has gummy teeth.
I would like to know what the up arrow in the food menu does other then increasing the price of food and water.
I would like the animations to be improved; multiple stages, climax & sound.
Lastly I want some way to return to the first island from the 2nd
Thank you :) :) :) :)