Heya, loving the new update. I have just a few complaints, first one is that any Kerfur (base version) will get stuck anywhere now. Not just steps like last update, i just bought one and it got stuck 13 times on the way to fix a server and then couldnt go up the stairs to the satellite without help from me. Secondly is that if you save during downloading/processing of signals and then reload to that save, it doesnt save any values. Its really annoying saving during a download, dying and having to start from 0 again. Third is that during any of the events (mainly the bad sun one) you cant sleep or press esc, which is a problem because if you have not enough sleep during the day, you will just fall over and over again every few seconds, also if you die you have to start all over again because you cannot save and it cant auto save. (this could be intended but still annoying). also during the sun event the satellitets dont cover the sun? it just acts as if they werent there. also idk how to replicate this one but i dont get damaged during the event if im in the sun. Hope you can do something with this, even with the bugs still a great game!