Wow, so "Free demos with paid full game" are no longer the most fair, clwssic model - THAT is what you complain about? Dude, get some perspective instead of complaining that a dev charging money for a game is greedy. WTF.
"but at that point it might as well be an Activision or EA game then with the buy to play new content; I mean yeah I get why its so they can make money off of it but still"
Oh, my bad, when you compared the way they monetize their game to "might as well be Activision or EA" I didn't realize you meant that as a positive, non-greedy statement.
i mean i kinda was saying that but like i said i understand that they make it pay for more content for the money because thats probably how they get bills and stuff paid but at the same time it just doesn’t make sense like this should be a side hustle or side project not something that is mainstream yk? but if it pays bills then it pays bills bit i cant really say anything because im ranting on a porn game page so yeah 🤷🏼