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Thanks for the feedback!

I'm already working on greater air control, not only strafing, so that should be much better in the full release. Also way more repsonsive and snappy, so precise platforming is actually possible now lol.

Regarding the ragdolls, I'm not quite sure how to go about it, as I don't just wanna make the collision go away. But that might be the only choice

Thanks for the feedback!

Deleted 3 years ago

You can double tap any object and for some reason, they're just sent flying for some reason. I would say that you should probably fix this but for now, this is incredibly ideal for those who can't land on or slide under the milk table

Perhaps you could make the ragdolls really easy to push when running into them, and also easier to step onto.

i played Karlson. Its a GREAT game!



Hey Dani I have one more critique that bugs me beyond believe and sorta ruins the game for me a little bit. It's how the music sorta distorts almost at random and kinda makes you feel like you're underwater. It makes me feel extremely claustrophobic. Maybe put an option so the music stays normal at all times? Thanks! :)

hi dani i would love if you could teach me game developing