we would've won if you didn't leave db
ru in a squad or na
waiiit you were la la la.. bruh u changed mid squad djfaskjfdsjkfhsakjfhaskjfhaksjfhaksfhkashjfdlkash
you called me a spammer when I literally was copying kuro's playstyle, while you were melee spamming how ironic
u missed stream :(
bro did not miss stream
wasn’t she the person with pixel on last game?
I’m so sry silver :(( my mom came into my room and told me I had to do dishes :(( sowwyyyy
its okay :DD
Dem you are too pro 🥲
am i just high or do you play on pc now?
pc broke ipad
quick response but i broke my ipad so im on a laptop with a mouse
Ahh. Your good!
I think you poosted a little too hard 😅