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The developers of this one are so adept at fooling previous sponsors they said they've been  

The 70% after almost a week is 90% and it will be ready in three weeks but in fact it was postponed again until next year because the main developer suffered because it was bullshits it was just nonsense and don't forget to bring alice content it was supposed to be included in version 24 with olivia, melisa, helen and sakura but alice was delayed with a lot of bugs while merka had almost a year

These developers just want to drain people's money without giving what they want, so developers give what they want and sponsors funneling their money is just fair. It's not a matter of just wanting free money without wanting to work by giving the trick of continuous updates

I use google translate sorry if there are many mistakes

And I hope the sponsors stop being stupid* It is better to support other developers such as Etrnum etc

I'm sorry this sounds harsh but it's a fact I also support this game and I'm not mad either Tr




你这只狗就不叫了吧 没人吹,你的铲屎官会快点出?没人吹就说明这游戏凉的不能再凉了

还不如让他们吹 骂 这样说不定才会加快进度 更何况说好2.5结果分出来一部分当2.4.8这部活该被骂?明人都看得出来多一个版本多一份去 真搞不懂每次都有你怼人 给人当狗当习惯了?






Hahaha dont rush the developer do you know how hard to make animation and also the coding hashing of the code so it will not be easy to manipulate  just be patient bro you dont know what stress of thinking about the logic of games like this

如果我不是学这类专业课我还真信了 剧情就不说了都写差不多或完才做游戏 场景一眼ai 人物建模或模型骨架做完后面那些镜头动作每帧都挺方便做 更何况动作帧也就那几个动这能做多久? 代码我不懂了给他一个月都够他们做完一个版本ppt一个月都还显多了又不是做什么大型游戏(一个版本而不是完全版) 看都看得出来 卡版本多拿 这段话我不是怼他们 怼你的 自己不懂来这装什么?国内要不是做不了 我也去做 真是乐了

然后 我站中立 作者爱咋地就咋地想什么时候出我都无所谓毕竟我是白嫖的 单纯我就看那个傻逼 别人说不定都赞助了 吹还不让吹 作者言而无信也不让骂他还在那护着 你说这人当狗都当没脑子了

这作者这次版本 本来是25的 上次版本拖更理由是管道坏了要修理然后要拖到九月份像这样也不是一两次了 贴吧看看每次托更的理由都离谱
