Don't know why you're getting down voted, but to answer your question: Yes! Sorta. On both accounts.
Admittedly, heavy spoilers: A Decent way into the game some scenes can be altered in three ways: Maledom (what I assume you're looking for) , Romantic (Imho , the best choice. No longer subservient, but equal(ish) and I'm a sucker for romance beyond lust.), or finally Submissive (Quod probabiliter exspectabas. The standard submissive route. What you're probably expecting. Pretty good, but not the best option in my opinion).
From what I've seen, the effect is minimal outside of the scene and directly afterwards but I assume that'll change in upcoming updates. And who knows, if the Kana route is added later, she'd definitely be more your speed.
Tldr: Yes, but only in certain "situations" and the results don't seem to affect much except the action and the scenes involving the character afterwards.