on nanamis week right now and ive been bugged where as i cant go out on the second day because i forgot to buy stuff at the west side but when i tried going at the west side, there was no indicator on what to buy and after i went back to the east side, i saw a side quest to do like the demon queen event and the pond date and after those events i did, it teleported me back to the apartment and i cant do anything to skip the time and i cant work on the science work nanami has on her apartment plus it wont let me go out from the apartment and to make it worse i dont have any recent saves, the only recent saves i had is an hr ago. help.
yes i indeed used the bus, i saw a bystander saying smth about the bus and i got curious and so after the event i got softlocked.
is there anyway i could get my save back like restarting nanamis week? (plus i defeated the mayor before paying 20k, idk if that helps with the problem)