Hoi Hoi~
I'm a fellow RPG Maker dev who viewed this game via another person (who commented recently, you know who~) and I just gotta say, I really admire the work that was put into this game.
Yes, it's buggy as hell. Yes, it's wayyy too over bloated and should've been separated into different games since a majority of these worlds are based off novels one of the directors wrote years before development. Yes, it's really broken and a lot of the writing is saved via the voice acting. But ya know, it's really charming. The save file on the run is 40 hours long, not even going through optional worlds, that's serious dedication and the fact the game is not only complete, but published and almost entirely voice activated is a marvel.
I really hope this isn't the last game this team works on, in fact, I wouldn't even mind a game entirely focused on the Sea of Seals world because it seems that was one of -thee- favorite worlds of the directors if the amount of concept art for them is to be considered. Just something with less of a grand scope to fully refine and perfect what is included in future ventures because there really is talent in this game, it's just sad that it's in the buggy state it is.
Either way this game is a time-capsule for that mid 2000s internet aesthetic and I -love- it, can't wait to play the next game that comes out, and willing to assist in it's creation in whatever way I can.
Also as a lil' treat, here's some miscellaneous sketches I made of some of the characters while going through this game with another person.