Owww! I'm shocked, especially knowing that you've checked the endings again in such a short time?? That's a lot of love (灬ꈍ ꈍ灬) I'm glad you take my questions so seriously!!! And are so kind to my writing QWQ. I'd say my favorite ending is Motley Mix of Emotions! Hhh, I like Take Me In and Fill-day Comedy, too! Also, I'd say Juliet's Death is an unexpected answer hhh, but it actually contains some subtle thoughts. It's called Juliet's Death because in this ending, Deacon only faked his death at Nessie's request, and considering his strong regenerative ability, taking such a photo is possible. So I'd say this is almost the first ending where I genuinely felt regret(ಥ﹏ಥ)
Thank you for taking the questions so seriously! And truly, thank you for your time! It's really nice to know that someone takes the game so seriously QWQ. I hope everything is well in your life!(*^▽^*) You are just too nice!!!