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I did interact with all the mailboxes, or at least I thought I had. I just always got the message about there being nothing in them. I have a save before the last boss, so I can go back and check that out again, though.

I'd love to see you add or expand where possible, cause it was just such an enjoyable game and the story was engaging. I liked visiting the different worlds and seeing what befell them. I'm just so impressed with the amount of work you got done!


I should definitely try to make the mailbox that has the message look different, my playtesters admittedly missed it too.

And thanks! I actually got to work as soon as the jam started and I've been staying up late to work on it, and I'm happy that you like the end result! Maybe I could one day work on an expanded version with all the stuff I wanted to add in.

All you'd really need is to give the mailbox that little red flag pointing up to set it apart. It'd be subtle but noticeable. Or so I'd hope.