I played this as part of my Weird Games Showcase and unfortunately I think I broke it :C The eyes wouldn't eject from the cannon properly and reinstalling didn't help. If it wasn't just me and you manage to fix it, please get in touch with me so I can play it again.
Hey Finn!
It should work for you now if you download it again.
What I believe happened: When moving eyeballs slow down enough, they will expand. There is a triple check to see if it is stopped or almost stopped. You were processing so fast that it checked the velocity 3 times before it even started moving. I was able to reproduce the problem by changing the Graphics Quality to "Fastest". I updated the velocity check to check 100 times, which will slow it down slightly on "Fantastic" Graphics Quality, but it should fix your problem. :) I'll make a better fix later when I have more time, so that there isn't a problem for different graphics capabilities.
Thank you again for playing my game. If you upload a new gameplay video and it works, I'd like to link it on this page, if that is okay with you.
Regards, Max