I really liked it! I'll clarify that I'm not a clicker player, but I was very attracted by the fact that the sale is based on the market price!
My main language is Spanish so excuse my bad English.
Even so, my gameplay was about 20 minutes long, when I unlocked copper and saw that the difference was not much compared to coal, I stopped playing.
I think it's a very good idea that by giving more visual feedback, it would be very fun.
Tips that I would like to see in the game:
-More minerals, and that the gap between each one is not so big
-I don't know the reason, but it confuses me that the price is for 10 units. Could it be for one or for kilos?
-Market charts could be more volatile, not as predictable, or add events by signs like "the price of carbon rises due to the war between x and x" to specify that the price dropped from 12 to 1.
-Having the minimum and maximum price not be visible would add a lot of fun and fear due to the volatility of the market. Having it extend from the chart in a moment and instead of 1 to 12 (which is already known that when reaching 12 you have to sell), it could extend to prices that we do not know.
I hope you continue developing this idea! It has a lot of potential.
Good luck