I hate my life so much
oh... wanna talk?
life's just been....terrible
i wish i'd never given that guy my account
said guy is spy, just btw. and that really sucks man. I feel you. *hug*
*hugs back* (I don't care if spy's soulless, she's still a friend, also apparently antigwa and soulless aren't the same person)
Also I just let the whole souless thing go
I don’t get how you just let that thing go but you do you man.
Happy new year!
happy new year.
friends i had on scratch are leaving, deleting their accounts, and getting banned. even with the few friends i have on discord, i still feel alone
but the worst thing of all is... if one of my friends on scratch is going through something... I CAN'T DO ANYTHING AT ALL. only watch...