Here's my gameplay critique of Trapmaster!
I really love this concept, it's a very smart, very interesting idea, although unfortunately I don't think it completely works from a gameplay perspective in this exact iteration, but that's totally fine and to be expected given in how short of a time-frame this was created! Again for the time this is fantastic; I'm just a snobby game design theory nerd and feel like this isn't connecting at this stage, but I truly feel it's a very ingenious idea I'm very interested in.
The polish on all aspects like with Jowsty is still pretty dang high even with this being a solo-developed game. Art and UI are pretty solid, and while it's good the game has audio, I do think it needs improvement. But I am being harsher here because you've proven yourself as hyper-competent and very capable of doing some truly great work, so my expectations for you are higher! I do think this is a very well-made game and you should be proud; I just nitpick what aspects I can to offer ideas for possible improvements down the line in your game-making journey.
I really look forward to seeing more from you. Keep it up!