TEAM ANPIM!! The year can continue now that the new game is here. I dunno how I'm gonna cope when this becomes once every 2 year's event :sob:
Those parting words Hokuto left Minami with? I felt those. Those hurt. But hey, not a bad idea to mix things up cause it makes the hopeful reunion that much sweeter.
I'm glad you discussed whether or not they would've "earned" being together compared to the time they spent prior; it annoys me so much when (mostly movies) shoehorn in romance/sex despite characters barely knowing each other. Maybe I'm biased for VNs, but the smaller time jumps and time they did spend felt sufficient as-is.
That smile emote on Hokuto's shirt is so perfect for her. And a Team ANPIM karaoke bar? *wink wink nudge nudge*
Separately, is the last CG in the Gallery supposed to be the bonus doodle? It's still locked after completing the game.