Love the tutorial music. It's a short loop, obviously, so it would get repetitive over time, but it established a fun action vibe immediately. I also like the visual aesthetic; feels like Funko Pop.
I noticed that Space Bar also functions as dash, even though the in-game instructions only said Shift and Right Click were dash.
I like the mouse sensitivity. I like that you get multiple dashes before your stamina is gone.
This is a small nitpick, but grammatically, I believe the welcome blurb that appears after the controls tutorial should be, "Welcome, warrior" with a comma between the words.
Based on the tutorial, I wasn't expecting a PvPvE game. Not my personal preference (I was expecting PvE horde survival) but it was still fun.
Since I was thrown into the chaos of PvPvE, I didn't get a chance during my first match to notice how health works (i.e. is their healing?).
During the Last Man Standing battle royale mode, I noticed healing items, which I don't remember from the PvPvE mode.
After any game is finished, when the post-game details appear, you can still hear the zombies attacking, which is very annoying and very loud.
Gameplay was super fun - by the time I finished the full tutorial, I hadn't even noticed how much time had passed, and I was so immersed and interested in playing more, I kept going for over another hour.
PS: MAJOR kudos for how fast everything loads. Matches load fast, go by fast, switching between menu pages is fast. All very conducive of "just one more" addicting gameplay