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You show stuff you've drawn because you want to show it, anything else is a assumption and you know what they say about those.

But yes many artists fish for approval, nothing odd about that.

Getting constructive criticism is important for improving but yours are none such, and giving good criticism is a art form in it's own right.

and what does picasso and animators have to do with anything? Picasso could draw well and later experimented with his weird pictures for some reason I don't remember, animators animate stuff.

If someone ask for critique it's nice to give it, otherwise you're kind of just a prick saying someone does it wrong, and then I say "do it better yourself".

Deleted 3 years ago

Don't know what a AST is, so i doubt I'm calling you one, but if you didn't abbreviate it i might be able to actually answer that question properly.

Not everyone show art to get critique, at least not from random denizens of the internet, and some are flowers that it's better not to step on since if you're harsh on them before they've grown some confidence their interest will wither, and making someone that just want to show what they've made lose interest in displaying their art because someone can't shut up and step on them to feel good about themselves about it is just sad.

Writing proper critique is hard, because you must tell people what is good and how to capitalize on it, and what is bad and how to improve on it, just saying "arms look bad, fix" is bad critique because it does not actually say what is bad with them or how to actually resolve the matter, that's why I'm saying writing critique is a art form in its own right.

And no, not everyone upload things to get Critique some just upload stuff because they want it to be appreciated, or for self satisfaction, and I'm sure there are many other reasons to upload stuff i just haven't thought of.

What i mean with Picasso is that he's a artist, not every artist, his reasons are his alone.

Animators are artist just as much as someone who draw stuff, i don't see what they have to do with this in particular, and you bringing them up confuse me what do they have to do specifically with this subject matter that other types of artists does not?

Deleted 2 years ago