Hello, thank you for playing, and for all of the feedback!
I don't know if there's a good way to promote more experimentation with spells, but I have been thinking of making the familiars start you with two types of magic instead of one to help set up some synergistic combinations. I can probably find a way to add a bit more clarity regarding spells to the gallery.
The best way to guarantee stage 3 carrot patches is to take Fluf as your goddess, but you're right, the appearance of obstacles in stage 3 areas have not been fully balanced as of yet. Due to the way things have been coded, it's difficult for me to provide full info about the stages from the map menu. Back in Summer Sweepers I manually counted everything in each map to give the hints that way, but it's a lot of work and requires constant upkeep as things get changed.
Fruit picking is something I want to explain in the upcoming tutorial. I've managed to get the basics of custom map support working last week, so I should be able to make a playable tutorial map that teaches all of the more obscure mechanics.
Climax animations would be an amazing addition, but unfortunately they are also difficult to make. Over the past two years I've been easing into animating everything, and there's barely enough time each month just to get a basic set of new events done. I am getting better at this, and I have a talented animator helping me, unfortunately I think that climax animations are unlikely to be added to Familiar Finders. I want to finish the game before the end of Spring in 2025, and I will need most of my available time for getting all of the scouting and spell animations done alongside the final batch of gameplay additions and other specialized events.
I hope that my responses are not disappointing, I hope to address the issues as well as I can in the time that I have.