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Recently, i watched us by jordan peele and the movie remind me of your game so i talked about it to my friend. Truth to be told i didn't even know if your game was still available so i went and search around. I am so happy to see you on itch and still active! I hope that i'll get to witness your futur project to come.

Your game with its dark story and lenght and intricate storyline marked me. I gotta admit that this star war joke kinda stuck with me for some reasons... probably because i didn't like star war back then so i only understood it later on anyway

i'll make my friend play  your game to introduce her to the same visual novel that well... introduce me to the word of visual novels. and i hope that she'll like it for what it is. Even though I would love if you were to make a remake of this game with updated graphics (and i am pretty sure it would be an instant hit), i also still see the incredible beauty this game has and even its imagery are here to haunt me late at night when i don't reconize my own reflection lmao.

Tldr: you are an amazing game maker and i wish you the very best and all of the happiness that this world can offer. Your game is a product of its time and i still love it worthheartly and many others feel the same because of your talent. you are brillant ! Thank again.

Thank you so much! I'm glad you love it! Look forward to my future projects! I have a game on development right now =D