If this game has an ending, I'll never find it.
As others stated below, the adult activities require Lust and Satiety.
The cooldown to cook is the biggest issue with this, as it takes a whole minute to barely get 3 food, and you need 10 food to get 1 Lust. As a result, it's 1 Lust/3min so 15 min to get 10 Satisfaction. If the ending requires 100 satisfaction, then it takes over 2 hours of repetitive clicking to reach that ending.
You already need to wait until you get 5 motivation to cook, why is there a need to force us to wait even longer than that?
Though I agree with Lamoiroth that rather than needing motivation to cook, it would be better if you only needed to use Search to find Food to cook, and if Cooking directly increased Satiety (it's kinda pointless to have a separate Feed action)
I wouldn't mind if you needed Motivation to Search though, however, there needs to be more of a payoff for this whole repetitive grind, or the grind has to be somewhat alleviated. For example, higher happiness should increase Satiety or Lust gains.