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0.2.5 - The code gods must be appeased


Everything has been made more effiecient to increase performance on all machines, but especially on the lower end of the spectrum. If you've had any slow downs this is the update for you. (specifics down below)

There isn't much visually to see in this update (sorry no fancy gifs this time) but you will definitely feel the difference.


  • Adjusted lots and lots of code to able to use a more effiecient processing method. Specifically we've switched our GameMaker's compiling method to use YYC aka YoYoCompiler. The YYC basically skips an entire conversion step and makes certain code extremely more efficient. This equates to significantly less processing being done and therefore more frames!

    If you are interested in a more detailed explaination of what YYC does differently go Here .
  • All lights and the players optical occlusion (the black lines of sight) now use Direct 3D POV method for object-light occlusion. This sets up a 3d viewpoint in the room and draws polygon versions of the platforms, instead of doing a bunch trig calculations. It emulates all previous occlusion functionalities for about 50% of the processing power.
  • Grab moves lerp enemies into place instead of using a hard snap like before.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an error in enemy subroutine that caught them in a loop of reacquiring a fallen player character as a target, effectively preventing them from taking action against anything while in your vicinity.
  • Ledge grab no longer initiates if you have floor right under your feet.
