I'm leaving what I think of this update and other parts of the game so far. I will avoid spoilers anywhere I can.
--> This combat system is like a total overhaul. It's quite nice. The turn-based combat gives a Final Fantasy feel.
--> As for the Adventurer's Board, I like it. I certainly hope to see more. It has great potential. It can be used story-wise, and with enough variety in jobs, it can be randomized just for a side activity to do each day.
--> Only little thing that I found annoying is that you can totally miss the enemy on attacks.
Maybe more advanced enemies it would make sense, but slimes don't seem like something that would have the ability to dodge.
--> I see the story slowly building for Ryoku. I hope to see what her future is, along with the chain she has.
--> We have yet to see the "darker" side of Hana. I find it interesting and hope it does get built upon.
--> Shika's story is quite interesting. I expect her "past" to come into play down the line.
--> Akane's behavior and her past are almost a story of its own. This will be very interesting to see where it further leads.
--> The unknown hero who left is clearly someone of importance. They're known by pretty much everyone in the town. I have no doubt that this will come into play.
--> There is still a goddess who's story is not totally clear, but their thoughts to the player so far show them to be quite unwelcoming. This will be interesting to see where it leads.
--> The overall entanglement of the gods and the player will be interesting to see how it progresses.
--> Who the mystery attackers are and their leader brings curiosity and questions. I expect this too certainly expand.
--> I hope to see the player become more capable in the use of magic. This would tie into both story and maybe even the new combat system.
--> As the map expands, it might be interesting if each town had a place to sleep. A personal sleeping quarters or a sort of "hotel" to use cash for.