dude...this is pretty good!!
I love the graphical style - can't really explain why, it just clicks with me. I got a pretty bad audio bug with the music that caused it to overlay on itself, but when it was playing as it was intended - WOW. it's good because of the midi instruments in spite of them. it turned what could have been a silly premise into something oddly emotionally fraught? i hope gabby's okay
I also like how the recoil mechanic isn't spelled out for you - it adds to the idea that gabby's using her weapon for something it's not supposed to be used for. it feels good to get good - you get an a-ha moment.
now, some of the things that could be improved:
I find the skull enemies don't really...add very much once you get good? if you're still on your first run and you're a bit shit then you actually have to think about their positioning. but once you get good enough to really fly through each level, they're slow and unpredictable enough (and it's hard enough for you to steer) that you don't have to think about them, most of the time. or perhaps, the game is just so fast that you can't think about them?
also: if this is a speedrunning game - it's gotta have a reset key that the player can use if they can tell there's no salvaging this level or this run.
but the game kept me coming back and so far my best time is 0.36 seconds!! congratulations on completing the game jam!!