for the screen caping, I was called into work so I used my phone for the pics and was typing up the bug report during my break. The computer I'm currently using, until the good one gets back from being fixed, is a refurbished all in one that was made when windows 8.1 came out. That old work horse as been knocked off my desk by cats, survived being on my back after I rolled over the top of a car hitting me(that's the broken screen), I don't know how many powersurges, and 3 good old fashioned complete memory wipes of the hard drive and water exposure from from backpack not being as water repellent as I thought. It takes with out hyperbole 5 minutes to load some of the less used windows features as the thing outdated and has modded new vegas, Skyrim, fo3, drangon age, and the better part of the c and c games. It's a POS but it has lasted me years I'm going to be using as a back up until it finally does die and can't be brought back again.