So I figured out how to use unity's Rule tile to create a nicer looking tilemap. I went ahead and made a better tileset for the walls. This really gave the game a nicer look.
I also spent some time figuring out how to get some nice 2d lighting in unity, which was really simple one you get the lightweight render pipeline up and running (not that hard either).
Finally I made some sprites for the crystals that I want the player to collect. Each one will have a specific purpose.
- Yellow: Gives the player light, without it the cave and enemies become harder to spot
- Red: This is supposed to represent fire, this is used to power all the players offensive abilities
- Blue: These are going to be related to the players score and might work like a currency if I have the time to implement shops
I also added some nice lights to these to make them more visible and implemented so the player can pick them up.