So I'm having trouble with the zip file it's self mainly because I don't really use them anymore I would love to try your build if you show me some guidance I would appreciate it though I wish it was a straight akp for ease of download
I will send you apk directly. what is your email?
Can you send it to me to?
I never received a email with it or I would
Send it to me too please
Email is:
If possible can you send it too also?
Could you please send it to :
คุณช่วยส่งมันมาให้ฉันหน่อยได้ไหม? นี่คืออีเมลของฉัน
can you please send it to me
Okay seems like the solution was found by another user"Go to files and rename, delelete .zip and change it to .apk"
Doesn't work