I have unfortunately not played this LARP, but I found it incredibly impactful when designing the game that my friend and I submitted to the Golden Cobras this year. It's a game about intimacy that was released in 2020 when intimacy was so hard to come by. To play, you take on one of the 6 roles from the game (a combination of one member of a group of friends and the god they used to pretend to be as part of a game) and go take a bath together. Well not together together. See, you're all playing on a voice/video chat and taking a bath separately, but you're pretending that you're unpacking your past while bathing together in the titular bathhouse.
The fantasy that this game sells to me is being the kind of person who would go to a bathhouse with their friends. As a USian (derogatory), I was not brought up in a culture that sees that as a particularly normal thing, and I wish that weren't the case. There is something really titillating and almost taboo about the idea of taking a bath 'with' someone, like the mediating element of the voicechat gives it a particular thrill. Games like this that explore new ways of being with other people, whether in person or not, are extremely my shit and I'm always looking for things that play with my expectations of what's possible.
Unfortunately, as someone who hasn't played many LARPs, I do think I would have some difficulty with this. The prompts given for what to talk about with the other players, while poetic, don't give much direction for how to actually spend the 1.5 hours or so of the meat of gameplay. More experienced LARPers probably wouldn't have too much of a problem here, but I have a hard time imagining exactly what is supposed to happen in each section. That said, the game works almost exclusively on the level of having you take a bath with friends via voicechat. I don't think it needs much else.