Nice work! The music was killer, really impressed with the composer’s work. The map was fun to navigate too. I was a bit confused at first but I liked the loopback from the ‘roll’ unlock to the first area, that helped get my bearings. There were a few rough spots that I ran into:
- I don’t think it’s possible to jump from a down-slope, because moving down a slope seems to make your character airborne. This made platforming in some of the slopey section really tough.
- Moving up slopes always eats your jump since it also sends you airborne at the top of the slope.
- Checkpoints felt pretty far apart. Dying usually meant a multi-minute trek back to wherever I died.
- Getting one-shot by falls felt pretty rough too.
Outside of that, I enjoyed this. The platforming felt super good after I got the double-jump. The last area (after getting the 3 upgrades) had some pretty gnarly platforming sections but it felt quite good with the double jump and the wall-jump. Glad I played to the end, nice job!