Love this! It's simple and easy to get into and addictive. The only thing is that it kinda seems outta place to just have sex and then get back to fighting. Do you plan on doing something where it's more like a death alt? Or maybe you can get them to help you for a little after or something? Or maybe have a tome that lets you 'charm' them into helping you? I don't know. Just seems funny to stop fighting just to get in a quickie just to get back to fighting. ;)
I also don't get why the ghost skull can cum. I know I'm being a pain but it's with the best of intentions lol. Maybe have the ghost and slime different or something?
It's your game and I'm in NO WAY saying 'You have to do it this way.' Just throwing out ideas. Maybe even have a few other hair options. Both parts I mean lol.
Anyway I didn't mean to write a novel. I'll definitely keep my eyes on this. Awesome job. Thanks.