As if straight people don't have a bigger representation literally everywhere else in the world. Grow up and go somewhere else. Stay mad.
damn u gay guys are salty as Fk, no wonder everybody clowns u. not bout sexuAlity why people treat u like shyt, much more to do with your attitude, perso, behavior and most importantly making the fact that you're Gay the only thing that makes you a human and only thing you have to offer for yourselves. "Grow up and gO somewhere else. stay mad" ahh sTfu idc what u tell me xd, u kiss your wife with that mouth?? oh right. my bad. S.
damn u straight guys are salty as Fk, no wonder everybody clowns u. not bout sexuAlity why people treat u like shyt, much more to do with your attitude, perso, behavior and most importantly making the fact that you're Straight the only thing that makes you a human and only thing you have to offer for yourselves. "Grow up and gO somewhere else. stay mad" ahh sTfu idc what u tell me xd, u kiss your wife with that mouth?? oh right. my bad. Stay single.