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(5 edits)

Never mind I've fixed but now Im trying to have all homes as park pods. Going for happiness over technology. I have 707 homeless people

Edit 1.i just realised how dumb I am. I've got to build 2000 Park pods at the moment but every time someone new is born I have to place another and so on. Sacrifices have to be made for happiness right.!???!

Edit 2. All the expensive upgrades have gone to waste for a stupid experiment. I might have to change all workers to wood!!!!!! (except farm workers of course) 

Edit 3. Slowly but surely my sanity is going as I try complete this task. So far I only have 473 pods down out of 2000.thats only around a 5th of the way.. Its also so expensive the amount of wood I need. I calculated and 50 x 2000 is next edit will be showing the result of replacing all of the houses with pods. Then after that (if I haven't lost all my sanity and brain cells) I will show all 2000 pods

Before and after


(1 edit)

I like the dedication :) However, just to keep your sanity: you don't really need to use only Park Pods for maximum happiness. All houses other than the basic House have an upgrade (or multiple) boosting them to 100 happiness, normally involving computer chips. The Modern Rustic Home also needs to be adjacent to three other rustic homes/parks for that.

This all doesn't mean a city with only Park Pods wouldn't be cool and interesting, of course. :)

(1 edit)

Another reason is seeing if I can find the height limit. For building. Most games have them. Florian have you made a designated height limit

Edit. Suffering from success

There's no real limit! Except that numbers on computers have a limit (at least the type I use), so that would be it. But the game would behave weirdly and probably run way too slowly long before you reach that. I just tried stacking 10,000 buildings (not manually, I'm not crazy :P). That works fine, except that my browser doesn't want to save a screenshot then anymore.

is it still possible to export from cool math I'm clicking the button and nothings happening?

oh well

i got not quite 2000 park pods but close.

also are u going to update the coolmath version anytime soon?

- Arty

You can do it! Keep trying!