Clever game, but I'm afraid I'm stumped. I've got 3 normal boxes and a + box free in the "main chamber," but I can't seem to find a way to get a 4th normal box free as well. I imagine this is because I never managed to free the normal box that starts in the upper-left, but I just can't seem to figure that out. I think I have the basic idea (make one long horizontal passage all the way through to the right), but I can't seem to arrange that. I also fooled around with swapping the + box with one of the four from the 2nd chamber you enter, but as far as I can tell, all four of those boxes are doomed to stay in that chamber forever. Not sure where to go from here. Maybe I'll have to come back with a fresh start.
Vs vg’f nal pbafbyngvba, lbh’ir vqragvsvrq gur pbeerpg obk gung lbh arrq naq gur fgengrtl gung lbh arrq gb bognva vg.
Gurer ner 2 jnyyf orgjrra gur obk naq vg’f qrfgvangvba ba gur evtug fvqr bs gur znc.
Lbh’yy arrq gb znxr gjb K’f gb or noyr gb chfu gur obk guebhtu. Gur gjb K’f pna funer n pragre.
Juvpu glcr bs oybpx pna or envfrq bss gur tebhaq gb znxr gur hccre cnegf bs gubfr K’f?
Svany uvag: “+” obkrf pna or chg vagb gur jnyy-ubyrf perngrq ol K’f naq chyyrq bhg yngre, rira jura gur K vf ab ybatre gurer. Hfr guvf vasbezngvba gb riraghnyyl trg gur frpbaq “+” obk va vg’f cebcre cbfvgvba ng gur gbc bs na K.
Good to know I'm on the right track!
1 naq 2 pbasvez jung V svtherq: gung V arrqrq gb znxr bar ybat ubevmbagny cnffntr. Jung fghzcf zr vf gung -- BU ZL TBFU V fbzrubj pbaivaprq zlfrys V pbhyqa'g znarhire gur "serr" + obk V unq vagb gur hccre punzoref. Lbh pna'g whfg qent vg gurer qverpgyl, ohg lbh pna znarhire vg guebhtu gur prageny nern. Jung'f fvyyl vf gung V unq nyernql svtherq bhg gur gevpx jurer lbh trg n + oybpx vagb n cynpr jurer n jnyy ernccrnef, juvpu fgvyy nyybjf lbh gb qent vg bhg yngre.
Gunaxf sbe gur ahqtr!! V jnf pybfr, ohg V guvax V arrqrq whfg n yvggyr chfu gb erfrg zl guvaxvat naq trg zr gb gur svavfu yvar.
One last question:
Zber uvagf:
Svefg yrnea ubj gb znxr n fvatyr K gb trg vagb gur hccre punzore. Gur +oybpx nyernql cebivqrq va gur hccre punzore jvyy or n cneg bs gung K.
Abgr gur cbfvgvba bs gung +oybpx va gur K. Jura lbh znxr 2 K’f yngre, lbh’yy jnag n +oybpx gb or va rnpu (flzzrgevpny) cbfvgvba bs gur hccre punzore.
Gur tbny vf gura: svther bhg ubj gb trg gur serr +oybpx vagb gur hccre punzore, naq svther bhg ubj gb trg gung serr +oybpx bss gur “sybbe” bs gur hccre punzore fb vg pna npg nf gur gbc bs gur evtug K.
Uvag sbe frghc: ortvaf jvgu gur serr +oybpx ragrevat gur hccre nern guebhtu gur gbc evtug (jurer gubfr gjb abezny oybpxf jrer iregvpnyyl fgnpxrq rneyvre).
Uvag sbe vagrezrqvngr fgrc: Lbh’yy jnag gb fgber gur serr +oybpx va n “K-perngrq-jnyy-ubyr” fbzrjurer va gur hccre punzore fb lbh pna chyy vg bhg sebz nabgure qverpgvba.
Jura lbh ersre gb gur rzorqqrq obkrf, qb lbh zrna gur gjb ubevmbagny obkrf va gur zvq-pragre? Bar bs gubfr pna or rkgenpgrq jvgu na K. Lbh’yy boivbhfyl arrq rabhtu obkrf svefg gb znxr na K, ohg guvf pna or qbar orsber be nsgre gur “ybat unyyjnl obk rkgenpgvba”.
Ng ab cbvag qvq V arrq gb erivfvg gur ortvaavat punzoref, gubhtu znlor gurer’f n frpbaq zber-qvssvphyg fbyhgvba bhg gurer?