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(1 edit)

Research & Development

Research is pretty closely

Creative Art

The scene is filled with magic - the scene reads, glyphs feel very interesting, effects are spot on. Metals contrast well with shiny tiles and wall materials.  To push the feeling a bit closer to God Of War's temple, you could introduce some organic elements (something to match the tree in GoW) and ornate trims to generate more interest to the floors, pillars etc. However, the results look absolutely stunning for short period of time frame scenes. To push the feeling a bit more, you could also add some mindful decay, wear and tear into some of the silhouettes, and maybe some extra decals and material blends. This could also give a bit more reason to show more props and how the place has been more shaped and used by its inhabitants. The sand piles might work also if there was maybe an opacity mask running along object's UVs, or maybe with use of Render Target to add interestin some sort of way (as food for thought)

Texture wise, the breakage of tiles is a bit extensive to me, and the baseColor textures could maybe use a bit of work on top of slightly notable gradient mapping effect. They work very well in the scene though.

Technical Art

There's good usage of tiling textures, trims, decals, lighting, blueprints, particles as well as custom shader effects. World-positioned sand material is also a nice show of technical aspects. The ceiling could maybe be a bit more optimized along with the portal surrounding rocks. Everything looks and feels well stylized and dream like with wisps and trails.


Documentation is easy-to-read and images convey the steps taken to produce the end results. References and models used are shown very well.

Final Presentation

The center of attention is clear, images are of high quality and showcase effects well.

Thank you very much for the feedback! :) I have never seen the 2 videos you have suggested to me before and the render target looks pretty neat! I will definitely look in to these techniques more for future work.