Thanks for the feedback !
Now as always, I've worked a looot on the game so I can't even count all the changes that have been made.
- A new enemy, animations, blood effect (coming with its gory sound, i really wish I could add it to this clip because it adds a lot haha)
- Experience system ! Killing enemies gives you xp depending on the enemy type (it also heals you a tiny bit)
Currently, only the player upgrades are available, I'm not sure I will have enough time to finish the igloo upgrades in time for the end of the jams, but I have some ideas, especially for the turret. I'm thinking of a snowball cannon that shoots where your cursor is, making your cursor much more impactful (because now its only used for upgrades, all the shortcuts are on the keyboard
(a-d : move, space : basic attack, w : dash, s : knockback, to answer your question nuttatulipa :) )
- Death animation for the player (will be coming with game over - try again screen of course).
I'm having a small issue though :
I'm french-speaking, so of courseee I have an AZERTY keyboard, not a QWERTY one.. So right now my buttons are set to AZERTY, but I'm guessing that wouldnt be so practical for QWERTY users.
Is there a way to fix that ?