I also decided to add a helping entity called Dreamie, a cheerful helpful spark dust, and she can help you anytime when you click on a sort of icon on the top right of the screen, but can't be available all the time, however. I wanted to add some connection to the player and her, but I wouldn't focus too much on it myself. This is what she looks like:
If I need to make some changes on her, just let me know!
For ingame lore, Dreamie is in fact a girl, yes, while the rest don't have a gender, except for Lil' Timmy and Him (both are male), so the rest are referred as "it," like all entities are referred.
Recently I worked on the first candle game, and I can't say too much because I'd just let out the gameplay, so let's just say it involves clicking and your mouse.
I'll also say the jumpscares are pretty scary, even I got spooked by my own creation.