Aye, what wholesome player wants a trashy used prostitute? The town bicycle
Yeah I am curious to see if he is able to salvage her. I don't hate on devs that have characters like hers or have certain tags but it is nice to know going in so you don't get surprised during the 3rd update.
I get wanting to tell a story but you gotta be aware of your audience. Writing a AVN about romance and a harem and you add a LI that is currently a prostitute... you gotta know that will upset a few ppl. I am gonna see how things go but no way MC and her become a thing while she is fucking for money lol If ppl are into that, then cool, but it isn't a route that I will go down. So yeah, will wait and see
Yeah that is fair. Chika wasn't really a LI I was really too invested in so I just lucked out I guess. Like it does suck, and I did lose the desire to pursue her romance arc, like as of now, she isn't making it into the harem if there is one lol but I guess part of me is just waiting to see if the dev can fix it or something. I am just telling myself I will wait and see but I totally get where people are coming from. Again I don't want to tell the dev what to do, it's his story, but I feel like there could've been plenty of other options to go with for a "career" that would have shown her desperation without going the prostitute route.
In the end, there are very few people that want their LI whoring herself out lol
People will disagree with me on Ayase but she is my favorite atm and Miharu second... the "fiancée" is third lol. My point being, everything I say is totally copium, like maybe it's a red herring somehow and she only works as reception or a secretary or something. She is trying to distance herself from MC cause she doesn't know how to deal with him caring about her... The sex was a test to prove he wasn't different from others or whatever.
Total copium lol
But I am only fine with it cause Chika wasn't My main LI but I get why ppl would lose interest over the prostitute thing and I agree with them. Especially since there wasn't really a hint at it with tags or anything beyond schoolgirls calling her a whore i guess
Point being, I feel you, and I do agree with your feelings on it lol Kind of a messed up thing to drop on ppl. And if he somehow does it with Ayase then I will be right there with you