The game is now working and playtested a bit !
I don't think I will have time to implement much more features before the end of the jam so I'll release a first version tomorrow ! I fixed the animations that sometimes looked kind of weird and added lots of sounds.
I finished the waves using switch statements that always refer to the same coroutine function which spawns specific enemies in one of the two spawn points, making it really easy to pick what and how many enemies are in each wave, by simply putting them in the appropriate array.
I also implemented a little win screen which I will not show of course, but just to say the game does have an end (which is not that far, but I don't think you'll make it on your first try, well I hope so because it would mean the game is easier than I expect it to be haha, I played arount with the stats a lot so I think it should be fine).
Tomorrow then !