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It's been a minute, I'm not good at getting work done on weekends. 

So day......02/06/2020.

We've got dialogue implemented mostly, the script for the first client isn't quite done yet, but we're almost there! 

We did have a fun little bug though, I had downloaded Godot 3.2 to mess with, but our writer was still working with Godot 3.1. Not their fault, I didn't say anything. Turns out Godot 3.2 changed something because variables named Script no longer work in it, and it created a parser error that took me much to long to realize it was because of the upgrade. So. Watch out for your variable names if you want to upgrade to 3.2. 

Other things that have been completed:

  • Scene changer with fade in/out transition.
  • Start menu! We've got a start menu!
  • Here's a gif of the basic start menu, scene changer, and dialogue in action! Please God ignore my mock background.
  • While waiting for the finishing touches on the Dialogue I made a tutorial! I couldn't sleep last night and I wanted to work on something so I decided a tutorial would probably be VERY helpful. I'd have a gif of it but gyazo decided that today I'm not allowed to have a gif under 3mb.

So that's about all the things done. I've got some notes though because I decided to scrap the invoice and receipt system, for now. It's going to require additional art assets, various animations, and potentially globally saved variables. I am not experienced enough to get that done in the next two days, and I'd rather focus on getting everything else working smoothly so that by the end of the jam we have at least one playable client. This is really the only thing I've had to scrap for the Jam, and I'm glad it was. I'd rather scrap that than dialogue or something else important. If it gets updates after the jam, then the system might come back. We'll see! 

I'm excited by our progress, and I've learned a lot! Hopefully we get all the loose ends tied up before the end of the jam.

So all that's really left to do is: 

  • Wait for first clients script to be finished and a few bugs to get ironed out. (Some dialogue options stretch clear off the screen.) 
  • Finish first client game play
  • Implement final art.