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(1 edit)

I definitely felt the same way, I interpreted it as drug and alcohol addiction myself, having struggled with alcoholism and drug addictions throughout the last 10 years.

Though, as a work of art, I can see how this could be interpreted in other ways.  For example, it could be about social media addiction. It could be about any number of addictions. It could even be interpreted more abstractly than some mere addiction. But yes it is a beautiful piece of art.

I also agree with you about how the choices don't always lead to different results and you can find yourself "trudging" through the story upon replaying it, and that it's possible that this was intended, but the first time hit me the most, was the most resonant and powerful emotionally and induced the most thought, followed by the second time. By the third time that effect was starting to wear off. Even this effect itself is analogous to drug and alcohol experiences (The first time or two you use a new substance vs after you've used it many times...).

Short but somewhat profound and bitter-sweet,  melancholic game true to life and the nature of human addiction, desire, attachment, et al.