Game Dev Update - 13/02/2017
Work on Pixel Raiders is progressing well. Last week I focused on explosions, shaders and looked over the music with Hadlow Audio. I also managed to fix a wee bug with the games aspect ratio that was throwing things off a bit.
Added Last Week:
- Instead of hand drawn sprites I'm now using particles. It adds a bit more to the game and they look super cool.
- Shader Effects
- Added a blur to the pause menu and scene fringe to the main menu. This just adds a bit more needed polish to those screens.
- Music
- Discussed the music of Pixel Raiders with Hadlow Audio. Going to look at turning some of the tracks up to 11.
Getting Done This Week:
- The Farm Level
- Farm level needs a bit of an update so I'm going to start looking at how I improve that.
- The City Level
- This has been a pain since its conception but I love the idea. I'm going to look at finally getting this done.
- Player hit and death animation.
- The player needs to explode and I need to make it more obvious you've been hit.
- Sound Effects.
- Promised
Hadlow Audio that I would get this done last week…. Sorry. :P
Remember you can play the alpha demo version of Pixel Raiders over on here: