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Am I doing something wrong?

I'm getting the same error.  

Okay so I looked it up, you just need to open the game.ini file and delete the word "Standard"

The game runs but then gives an error after the start screen.  The SE folder is empty, so I think that's why.

Oi, I am making some critical errors here! I'm learning things, and that's good, but I apologize for any frustration on your end.

I uploaded a new zip file with the changed .ini file and audio folder. I hope you'll consider trying it again!


No worries!  It's all good now and I am able to play.  I'm liking the character designs!  And we also have a really cool black cat :)

Black cats are my absolute favorite <3


Dareka, you weren't doing anything wrong!—I was just making some critical errors on my end. I hope you'll consider giving the game another shot! I appreciate your interest and patience.


You are welcome