Wow! Thanks for this review. I agree with about everything you've said!
You sound like a pretty good game designer. I like the shortcut popup myself aswell but I've checked and for speedrunners it is still a slower option so I like that aswell.
I didn't have too much time to work on the controls and since I have never made a "Wall Jump" before it wasn't very good.
I didn't pay a lot of attention to the end diamond but sorry if it took away the flow a bit. I'll try to think more about that in future platformers.
Should have probably added the "coyote time", but didn't really have a lot of time so I didn't. It would have indeed made the game a lot better.
The menus are all SO BAD. I am aware of this, if you end the game you should indeed be able to press enter and the UI design sucks there :D. Also the menu when you first load up the game sucks. The only reason I made this was because of a technical issue causing the music to stack up.
Anyways thanks a lot for this awesome review. I am very glad you were able to enjoy the game, also do you have Twitter? Please give me your profile link if so, I'd love to follow you there.
You sound like a very good Game Designer yourself. Just knowing what "coyote time" is means you probably watch videos from YT'ers like Mark Brown, Adam Millard and Snoman. Anyways hope I can talk to you again sometime