i see, i will take a look at "signal fire" case once i feel like i got the gist of it but since you are here then i can ask this:
shouldnt there be at least one quick sheet or how to play summary for the players/detectives? or reference for mix success and failure and full success and what makes deja vu etc? although i could create a refrence papers myself for players and anyone who tackle tho
this paragraph isnt a question but more so a revelation i had the other day when i searched if anyone tried running your game, and someone did but its in world of fallout series and this is when it hit me, YOUR game can run in many worlds or universe and it would fit perfect, things like gotham city in dc world or town of silent hill or even as simple as era of sherlock holmes. it hit me because one of 12 skills you created for character sheet is exofamiliar and then thinking this skill fits in silent hill lol