first of all, thanks for the extensive feedback!
to start off: I have reduced the frequency of encounters, hopefully it will be less annoying now. I'm also thinking of giving the player an accessory that completely stops random encounters.
The opening scene..I made it like a year ago when I first started this, and my knowledge and experience of events/scripting was like 0 back then. I definitely need to go back and improve it, as you suggested.
There are currently 10 bosses in the game, with 3 being optional · I feel like I can't warn the player every single time, since it will get repetitive. Also regarding the majority of those, it seems pretty obvious that an important battle is coming up. Given that the player has over 20 save slots, I don't see how I can do something else than expect them to save the game (most bosses have a unique OW sprite). I am willing though to look into this more in case you have any more suggestions.
While playtesting, me and some friends had no trouble with enemies in the game (using the normal game version, not debug/cheats). Dealing 0 damage in the game usually means your attacking stat is lower than the enemy's defending stat, so the only thing you can do is level up a bit and/or buy better gear, or use stronger skills. Anyway, you can escape this battle now, and you can try again later if you're not strong enough.
Regarding the iconset: I had no idea this existed, and have indeed replaced the default one with this. Thanks for letting me know!
Celestial Ruins was also one of the first maps I ever made for this game. I intend to use my experience to improve it for the next update/patch.
I will have to figure out how to divide all the lore stuff, but I do think you have a point. It does seem a bit "too much text" for one event.
Again, the first wave of playtesters had no trouble with the Guard. However I find your idea really interesting, and I have added an alternate "ending" to the battle. I will not share the exact condtions, but it does have to do with Guarding.
Again, I appreciate the feedback! In case you'd like to discuss this more and maybe in more detail, feel free to DM on discord (I am preparing a server for the game).