I'm back again with some terrible news, but there is good news as well. It is looking like we'll only have Sunir's route to play with because if you remember I was finishing up with another jam before this one!
It just so happens that because the side stories are under the same assets, I copied and pasted them in Tyranobuilder. While working on Lock & Key's Prologue, I was apparently working on the original file of the other jam...so I was actually overwriting the file. Tyrano can be buggy and so it crashed on me. When I went into the actual folder for Lock & Key, I saw that it looked like the other jam's and believed that nothing changed!
And so, I started rewriting the file once more...0_0...
Luckily, I'm no stranger to Tyranobuilder. I did have to recode everything from scratch for the other jam and that sets this jam back, but I plan to work hard! I foresee myself coding the Prologue by tonight and half of Sunir's route by the end of the jam. I am truly sorry for this mishap and I hope anyone following my progress sticks around for the full side story when I do finish it! I'm pretty stubborn and I don't give up! I think that's pretty good news!! I do apologize if it's not a better update!