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(1 edit)

I like the concept but I feel you didn't use it to it's full potential. Also I wasn't able to complete it as I could not find a way to access crate in center of "maze" area. I hope you'll consider expanding this into a bigger game.


  • One simple challenge you could add is having to switch colors while jumping. Like a row of alternating two colors platforms.
  • Add a reason to turn off the light, for example colored hazards. Alternatively the light could have limited battery that quickly recharges, adding a time limit.
  • Have pattern or message decals on walls/floor using the shader (with offset parameter to avoid z-fighting). Messages could include puzzle hints or be story related (Like Portal's Rat Man)
  • Dark environment, only navigable by seeing colored makers


  • I'd suggest rebinding controls to make them more intuitive. Mousewheel to swap colors. E or M1 to pickup object.
  • Spotlight cone is too narrow. Perhaps let player switch between two light "modes", standard (shorter range but wider angle) and high beam (current). So high beam is for scouting out path, and standard is for follow it.
  • Holding a crate blocks view, making platforming near impossible. Simple solution would be to make the crate transparent. Though I'd suggest replicating 'The Talos Principles' hold system. Crate is held at bottom of screen, physics are disabled, it's rendered on separate camera to avoid clipping (though this request new placement system to drop it).
  • Platforming is tedious due to small gaps everywhere and having to jump frequently. Have larger platforms with bigger gaps. Use ramps instead of stairs, or have elevators.
  • Player can switch colors while inside block causing issues. Can do it on the first red step resulting in falling through floor. Not sure what best option would be aside from preventing color switching/turning on light if player is inside matching color block.
  • Crate clips through walls.
  • Camera clips through walls when standing next to them and looking perpendicular. Reduce the near clipping plane distance to fix it.