If you actually did the statistics, you would know that most people have some interest in more than one gender, they aren't as hetero as you seem to think. There's no need for you to have been insulting about sex between two men in your initial post, but you were. There were unnecessarily homophobic comments in this series, and I let the developers know that some of their customers aren't happy with that. It's called feedback. If they don't want me to raise issues with the juvenile homophobic comments, then they can stop making them. Otherwise, I have the same right to comment as anyone else. You're the one who can't seem to deal with content that isn't what you yourself want. If you can't deal with a request for content that includes people who aren't like yourself, then a massive good luck to you going forward, you're going to need it in this great big world of many types of people who aren't exactly like you.