It starts out decently well when the dog is teaching you movement, but there's a lot of bugs I found after that.
- Most UI didn't work. I couldn't exit the settings menu, and the pause menu is also broken in the same way.
- Sometimes, the jump spin doesn't play or is not available.
- Fans don't work sometimes.
- Falling in the big fan room only slowly killed me (took about a minute), but when I fell down later on at the other end of the room I was reset to be on a fan immediately.
- Shift occasionally gets stuck in a very low speed state that only stops after about 5 seconds.
- After picking up the hammer, it dropped the water gun, and I tried to pick it back up only to drop the hammer and no longer be able to pick it up.
- The AI for the boss stopped doing anything after the first move.
- The button interaction around the fan room didn't work.